Thursday 13 June 2013


After having quite an insight on coffee paintings and have personally gone through some of them in stores, I wanted to try it out by myself. Went on with a drawing paper/card rather than a canvas initially. And to my awe, it had a better flow and texture.

Coffee is a such a fascinating medium to form art. It is quite successful experiment using Coffee to get the old-look effect in painting. It is all about using coffee powder, water and your brush to paint almost anything you can. 

Here are the list of my coffee paintings.. This time in canvas.. In general coffee is soluble in water and thus to enhance its life few drops of "Glue n Gloss" is added with the mixture. Alternatively, the canvas can also be varnished post painting. 

Where is the party tonight!!
 An attempt of the abstract art in coffee painting..
Abstract coffee art on art sheet

 Okay, now it is high time to try it on a canvas.. Yet another abstract coffee painting. Shading the same portion twice will enhance the shade and washing it off with an empty brush would reduce the intensity of the shade. Thus the pattern as shown below is its result.

Abstract canvas art with coffee.. 

Coffee on Coffee
How about some textures in the canvas.. Mseal patterns coated with metallic paints along with coffee makes this abstract flower vase look classic..

Coffee with clay
I always had an eye on traditional paintings of rajput ladies. Taken off by its elegance, tried the same with coffee also.. The jewel portions has been done with Pearl - 3D outliner.
Coffee painting on Rajput Lady
Coffee paintings are known for Buddha designs. Just another abstract him and his symbols.. Have mixed poster colours with coffee solution to arrive into other shades here.

Pinch of Coffee with Tinge of colours
Puppy, atlast..Cutee... Aren't they?? And hope the list continues as and when I get to paint again... 


  1. Fabtabulous !!! Stay Greedy !! HIT HARD !!

  2. awwwwwwesome dhivya............

    1. LIke as you wished!! Thanks :) And I need tips from a pro bloggger!! Total new world it is :P

  3. You have chosen a good media to exhibit your talent! and congratulation.. Wish you carve your carrer in this and reach great heights..

  4. Thanks and I haven't given a thought of the career prospects et all.. Thanks yet again for the suggestion :)

  5. Great effort, extraordinary, no words to express….. Very much proud of you…. I see your grandfather artistic (gene) in you... Best wishes for great success

  6. Great work Divi. Really awesome. Congrats:-)
